Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why are we socialists?

I haven't updated in awhile and thus far I have avoided writing anything political because I get very passionate about it and I feel unsure about how it comes accrossed in writing. But I have little else on my mind these days and I might as well record my thoughts and feelings here.

This is the greatest country in the world! The conditions in which it was discovered, defended, and designed are all so miraculous and divinely inspired. Our forefathers have given us a great gift and it is slowly dissolving before our eyes. Even though many people don't seem to notice.

People can say that socialism doesn't work, but now we can actually see why first hand. Businesses aren't being allowed to fail. America is great because the great ones rise to the top and the incompetent fall by the wayside. Without the natural consequences of failing there is no incentive to work smarter, to be creative, to make sacrifices. When companies like AIG pay themselves big bonuses (which is actually their pay agreement when they hired on). I don't call it greed. None of us sacrifice unless we have to. Why would we? It is human nature to do what we have to when we have to and not before. With the bail-out they didn't have to. This bail-out idea allows poorly run companies to continue to run poorly and that is the failure of a socialist society.

In this media driven day politicians don't have the guts to be Capitalists even though it is the only system that takes into account human nature. It appears too heartless to let losers lose, but there is simply no incentive to work hard when you can't lose. Who would study hard for a test if it wasn't going to be graded at all? No one. AIG paid themselves as if they were successful. And if they had succeeded no one would care what they paid themselves and it would be no one's business. That is the true american way and the american dream.
As Glenn Beck put it in his nine principle that american's can unite behind, "I have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results." In america if you work hard you can win and if you don't you can lose. If you take away people's ability to lose you will also take away the ability to win and that is the gift that we may be losing. If the goverment gains the power to decide who can lose and who can win this will no longer be "the land of the free and the home of the brave." We'll just be another country of sad, lazy socialists and no one will be risking their lives to move here anymore.

1 comment:

Mandee said...

Amen- let's start a Utah County We Surround Them club! I LOVE Glenn Beck!