Monday, September 29, 2008

30 days later

Many of you know that my husband and I have begun a new excercise and diet program called P90X. We have converted our garage into our P90X room. All you need is dumbbells and pull up bars. When you take on this 90 day challenge it becomes a big part of your life. It's a whole program. The word diet usually implies cutting down on eating. That is not the case with this program. One thing I've learned is that you cannot do the excercise without the diet. I skipped dinner one night because I was so busy being in charge of a ward activity. The next day I could not get through a single set of 25 of anything. I felt so dizzy, I had to stop in order to not fall over. In this program you start to view food as fuel rather than as something that your mind wants but isn't good for your body. When you fill your gas tank nobody ever thinks, "Maybe it would be better for my car if I only put in half a tank."

The results are mostly in strength, muscle tone and energy level. I have lost only 4 pounds. We measure 8 different places. I have lost one half inch everywhere, except one whole inch in my hips. My husband has lost 4 inches in his hips. I considered including before and after pictures and I may still after 90 days, but even though I see a big difference in the pictures, I am still not ready to post bikini shots of myself on this blog. The best results are that my body fat percent has gone down 5 percent, from average range to athletic range. My goal is to go down at least 8 more.


heymaughan said...

I think before and after pictures would inspire us all, so we'll be watching for them in another 60 days.

heymaughan said...

Brian is on board and we think we'll start in November. Hard to do it through the holidays, I know, but since it would be on our new year's resolution list anyway come January, we might as well be two months into it.

Kathleen said...

Nice set up Tami. You look great in your picture. I'm not sure you need to be doing this. I'm proud of you though. It's too bad I'm letting myself go or I would join you.

Unknown said...

Okay, that is amazing. You've always been so athletic that I'm not one bit surprised that you're rocking this program and getting fit.

I hate to say it, but my only goal is to not get fat. And I'm okay with that.

This is Marianne, btw, and not really bacon.

Amy Coontz said...

I was so glad I found your blog. Then I saw you had a link to mine!!! Looks like life is good for you!!